About Us

Who We Are

Our Mission

First Choice is a Christian ministry on the frontlines of a very real battle for unborn lives. Our mission is to serve those most at risk of abortion in Las Vegas and beyond.

Our center’s location was intentional; we are a stone’s throw away from what’s believed to be the busiest abortion clinic in Nevada. Because of our very strategic location and our marketing toward abortion-minded women, we are believed to be the busiest pregnancy center in the nation. We are mindful of the urgency and the stakes involved because precious babies’ lives are being snuffed out near our center almost daily!

We Seek Abortion-Minded Women

The few yards between First Choice and the abortion clinic are the battle lines of this ministry. Where the mother goes first will almost always dictate what happens to her unborn child. We have been called to “hold back those being led to the slaughter” (Prov 24:11).

We actively seek out abortion-minded women searching for an abortion. We inform them that God has other plans for their lives and those they carry. As an intervention center, we interrupt the flow of mothers offering children as sacrifices on the altars of money, career, convenience, or shame.

Ending Abortion in Las Vegas

Together, let’s end abortion in Las Vegas! To do this, we need to end the demand for abortion in Las Vegas. Please partner with us to fulfill this vision, reaching as many abortion-bound women as possible with the truth of life in the womb and God’s saving grace.

Psalm 127, in part, says, “Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain; unless the LORD protects the city, its watchmen stand guard in vain… Children are indeed a heritage from the LORD, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. He will not be put to shame.

Will You Be A Champion For Life?

In December of 2022, First Choice celebrated 42,000+ babies saved in our 18 short years of ministry! Indeed, children are a heritage from the Lord, and our quivers are full of them!

Will you join us at the frontlines of this fight for life? Many hands make light work. Will you stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder, with the staff, donors, and volunteers of First Choice to advocate for the innocent unborn?

Will you pray for us? Or volunteer? Will you be a lifeline for the unborn by financially supporting First Choice Pregnancy Services? 

Our Volunteers

There are over 30 volunteers who are truly the GOLD of our daily operations. They give a minimum of 4 hours of their time weekly to serve the women God brings through our doors.

Without their service and sacrifice, First Choice wouldn’t be able to carry out our vital mission. We praise God for sending us these individuals! The time, talent, and investment they make at First Choice change the lives of the mothers and babies we serve.

Spiritual Advisory Team

First Choice Pregnancy Services’ Spiritual Advisory Team (SAT) provides a canopy of prayer, biblical wisdom, and Christ-centered counsel to the First Choice Pregnancy Services Board of Directors, staff, volunteers, and clientele with a devotion to the unborn and care for all who labor to support our precious babies in the womb.   The SAT does this through the help of local pastors willing to dedicate a portion of their time and strength to support FCPS in a chaplaincy position.  FCPS desires the support of Godly pastors, with whom God has given wisdom, compassion, and courage to serve on this battlefield.    

The SAT seeks Christ-honoring pastors to join us in the fight to strengthen and support those who labor on the frontlines daily in the battle for the unborn.  If you have a burden for the unborn, and their families, and believe God is guiding you to take part in this warfare ministry, let us know.   Saving lives is an enriching experience and a Godly legacy. First Choice Pregnancy Services is a place where you can make such long-lasting impacts, in a pastoral capacity that extends beyond your own church.  If the LORD is speaking to you, to move out in this direction, contact us. We’ll be happy to discuss a process that will help confirm and move forward to prepare you to be a part of the important work of First Choice Pregnancy Services’ Spiritual Advisory Team.